Database Information:
Number of headstones: 14
Number of internments: 16
Latest additions:
Black Tower Cemetery is located in Curry County, New Mexico. It is on County Road (CR) R north of US Highway 60/84 and just west Cannon Air Force base housing.
Google Map
The cemetery used to be in the town of Black Tower, which no longer exists. Rumors remain that babies who died at child birth at Cannon Air Force Base Hospital are buried there. In addition, rumors about graves accidentally unearthed during the construction of the base housing also float around. These appear to be just that, rumors, as no evidence to confirm them has surfaced.
A visit in 2006, showed the cemetery was not maintained and many of the headstones were knocked over and/or broken. There are probably more burials in the Black Tower Cemetery that are currently unmarked. The cemetery is not gated and no signs were posted.
Contact Information:
No contact information for Black Tower Cemetery is available at this time. Please contact us if you wish to be listed here for a point of contact for this cemetery.
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